Archive for Financien

The fast and the furious

The fast and the furious is a series of movies which is very popular along young men. Fast cars, mind blowing bikes, races and beautiful ladies. Basically, the ideal dream world for most men.

It’s not just the pretty ladies in short skirts who make those movies best sellers worldwide, but obviously the hot cars had something to do with that too.

Police worried about the effect of the movie on the youth

The weekend that the movie came out in theaters there were lots of extra patrols outside because the police was expecting people to reproduce what they had seen in the movie. Unfortunately it has been proved on several different occasions that hardcore fans can really misbehave after having seen the movie. People have committed suicide over movies that didn’t live up to their expectations. Some people think that they can behave like the movie characters and drive against traffic like James Bond. Such scenario’s often end up in a very nasty way, with either death as a result, or mostly people getting hurt or arrested. This might sound crazy or unrealistic, but these things really happen because people can get an adrenaline rush from a movie which makes them do strange things. Fortunately on the night that the fast and the furious came in the theater nothing of the sort happened, the police didn’t have to deal with those kind of problems as the evening passed by quietly.

Sell junk car to buy a new ride

On the other side, thanks to this series of movies pimping has become quite popular. It no longer is seen as something extravagant that only celebrities can afford. The movie implies that pimping your ride isn’t that difficult, all you need are the right parts and some basic car knowledge to be able to tune your car. People nowadays often tend to put up a “junk car sale” sign up on their car, once it’s sold they use the money to invest in buying a new car which they will pimp over a period of a few months. And once the new pimped car no longer looks new they start all over again: sell used car, buy a new one and so on.

Almost anyone can pimp their car

Nowadays you can buy spoilers or rims just in about any car part store, and if the store doesn’t have it at that moment they can usually order it for the customer. So getting parts shouldn’t be a problem for a car tuner. The fact that the parts are sold just about anywhere makes it a lot easier for people to take that step to try it out themselves. We see more and more people selling their used car to used car dealers and enter the pimpin’ world. Illegal street races are held at remote, hidden locations. You would be surprised to see how many people actually show up to look at those races, to experience the rush and the adrenaline flowing through the streets.

Tuned car for sale?

Tuning is very exciting, but on the other hand it also has some down sides. For instance, a tuned or pimped car is worth less money than an original car because used car dealers have a hard time re-selling them. These cars often stay on the sale floor for months with a sad “used car sale” cardboard on its window without getting the attention they deserve. People are afraid to take the risk of buying someone else’s tuned car in fear that something might be wrong with it which could be very dangerous. Do you happen to have a tuned car which you would like sell? Then leave the car sale over to the car buying website Once you’ve registered your car on the site you’ll receive an offer within 48 hours from an official used car dealer. You will get paid in cash for your used car, and using the site is completely free of charge.

Man tries to sell oldtimer by using his sexy daughter

People tend to do strange things when trying to sell their used car, some even take desperate measures to be able to seal the deal. Take for instance a middle aged man who was trying to sell his oldtimer on E-Bay. He wanted to make his add stand out from the other ones but didn’t know how. Then it hit him: he decided to take sexy pictures of his 20 year old daughter wearing nothing but a top, high heels and a panty on top of his Datsun Z-series 280Z from 1977 to get more views.

That certainly is a way to make your “oldtimer for sale” add stand out, but at what cost? Do you really want to lower yourself to this just get your used car sold faster? Here are some other ways to sell your used car without having to sink that low.

Making your “car for sale” add stand out

Whenever you type sell car or sell used car in google you will get hundreds of car auction sites who offer their services. Despite the large number of sites available, it is very difficult to sell a  car as a private car seller. There are so many people putting up adds that it’s very difficult to stand out from the crowd in order to be seen by the right car dealers. So how do you manage to make your add stand out without having to make your daughter pose in front of it in nothing but sexy lingerie? Many people would advise E-Bay but that won’t get you far. After a couple of hours your add will disappear in between thousands of other ones. Besides the fact that E-Bay is very crowded, if you manage to find someone who shows interest in your used car, there still is a big chance that this person might not go through with the transaction. You have no guarantee whatsoever that you will get your money and that the private car buyer will hold up to his end of the deal. There are also countless scammers online 24/7 looking to scam anyone who crosses their path. So basically typing “sell used car for cash” on internet might get you into more trouble then you signed up for.

Get cash for car through a car selling site

If you want to sell your used car without getting scammed, or having to deal with people who don’t show up at appointments then you should sign up on the car auction site You can register your car in 3 simple steps for free, once you registered your car someone will contact you within the next 48 hours with an offer. You are free to accept or decline the offer without any further consequences. If you accept the offer made by the private car buyer you will get cash for your car on the day that you drop off the car.


Companies manipulate you

Colors aren’t just nice to see and to use, but they actually affect our mood and state of mind up to a certain point. Colors influence us without us being aware of it. It has to do with our brain which sends certain specific signals when seeing a specific color.


you can compare it to walking passed a bakery with or a pizza place, the smell of the freshly baked bread of pizza will make you stomach grumble, even if you just ate. Your brain picks up the smell and automatically makes you feel hungry. Colors have a similar effect on our brain but instead of feeling hungry, you will experience certain emotions. It is very subtle so many people aren’t aware of the fact that something is subconsciously influencing them.


How colors influence your mood and state of mind


Green makes people feel deeply peaceful and balanced without going too far though. Green is the color found in nature, a green wall in your room makes it look fresh, clean and tidy. It also tends to make busy people who like to do everything at ounce quiet and peaceful. It helps them slow down a bit and get the rest they need in their mind.


The color red stands for passion and energy because it is a stimulating color which wakes you up and makes you want to do things. On the other hand it is a very bad idea to paint a wall red in your bedroom as it will affect your mood when you’re trying to rest, it will make you restless at times when you need to slow down and take it easy. Too much red can even cause aggression, hate and make you want to eat.



Blue is a color which has a calming effect and which makes people think rationally, it also helps people move on and learn. Blue also stimulates people’s creativity when it comes to being artistic.


Yellow is a positive color which helps people feel better and happier, even if the person doesn’t really like the color itself. It makes people feel optimistic and free from restrains. Using yellow to paint a wall or a room seems to affect your mind in a positive way.



When you are surrounded by too much purple you will get overwhelmed by a feeling of unhappiness which can turn into being disappointed and annoyed with your surroundings. People who like to have a lot of purple around them are often arrogant and self absorbed.



Companies use colors as a form of mind control

Many people don’t believe that colors affect their mood even though it is a proven fact. There have been many researches done on this topic. Most companies use this information to their advantage in order to attract people to certain places and to make them feel certain emotions when looking at certain products without being aware of it. If you still hesitate, all you need to do is take a look at your surroundings when you walk down the streets in the city. You will notice that restaurants usually use red and yellow to make you feel hungry and energetic. On the other hand the colors gray and purple will rarely be used on food products. Food packaging is usually red, white or green. This logic also applies when it comes to car dealers and car sale companies. If you take a closer look at their advertisements, you will notice that usually black, red and gray cars are used instead of bright colors like pink, green or blue. That’s because these colors look cleaner and more professional which affects the customers in a positive way.

Companies use psychological tricks as a form of mind control

The sale tricks go way further than simply using certain colors, there are many extended studies which show what customers look at, and how people’s brain work. That scientific knowledge is made available and is used by big firms. They use these type of tricks to take advantage of people’s weaknesses and emotions to achieve the result that they are looking for. For instance in the grocery store: the products at your eye height are the products that the store wants to sell first because they make the most profit off those. The ones at the top or the bottom are the ones that they want to sell last because they make less profit off those. They do this because they know that people usually don’t look further then the middle section, many don’t like to bend to have a look at an item or can’t read the tags properly. Beside the placement of products, stores also use light to their advantage. By placing lights at certain spots and leave some in the dark emphasizes certain items more than others. Customers will unconsciously be drawn to these spots  because of the lighting. Last but not least, some bakeries and restaurants use steam machines which produces a freshly baked smell in its surroundings making customers think that they’re buying freshly baked products when they actually aren’t.

Sell car for cash using the company’s tricks

As a private car seller, you can use some of these tricks in order to sell your used car. Most people type “sell used car” on internet and end up placing an add and some random used car sale website. But how can you make sure that car buyers find your add? How do you sell a car for cash on short term, and safely? The best way to accomplish that is by starting by good pictures of your used car. First of all make sure that you clean your car on the inside and on the outside, then make sure that is no mess or clutter around the car so that you get a clean picture. Don’t take any pictures in a garage, take them outside to have clear pictures with enough light. Once you’ve taken some nice pictures following the instructions above you can sign up on the car auction site How does this work? Well all you need to do is sign up for free on the website, upload the pictures you recently made and fill in some information about your used car. Once you’ve done that you will receive an offer within 48 hours from a official car buyer who will give you cash for car upon key exchange.


Arnold Schwarzenegger in love with his hummers

Whenever you think of a hummer, you automatically think of a powerful, mighty, impressive car that rules the road. Other cars look like tiny ants compared to a big humvee. The downside to these impressive cars is that they’re so big and heavy that most people can’t afford them. They can also be difficult to drive due to their size.

Where do hummers originally come from?

Hummers are actually army vehicles, they weren’t meant to be used by civilians because of their weight and size. The army version was a whole lot bigger and obviously bulletproof. They was also the issue of their size which can represent a threat to other cars on the road. They were initially build as all terrain cars to be used though the desert, jungle: basically through any rough landscape. In 1992 they decided to sell a different version of the hummer to civilians, but the hummer sale only really started to take off from 1998 when General Motors decided to buy the hummer brand. From then they started selling smaller versions of the official hummers: the humvees H1, H2 and H3 which turned out to be quite wanted in the U.S.A.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is fascinated by hummers

Buying a hummer really hurts your wallet, not just because of the price but also because the repairs, keeping it in good condition, taxes and last but not least: rising gas prices. Hummers are unaffordable for most families. That’s why these cars are very popular among celebrities who like to show off their wealth and their manly hood. Take Arnold Schwarzenegger for instance, he really is fascinated with them. He used to own 8 up until 2009, that’s over 920.000 dollar worth of hummers. The funny part is that Arnold Schwarzenegger definitely doesn’t need to prove his manly hood to anyone, he probably is the last person on earth who would need to do so. Buying a hummer is sign of power and financial well being, when such a car drives down the road people almost break their necks just to catch a glimpse of the road beast.

Fun hummer facts

– A total of 70.000 hummers were sold in 2006

– A hummer can drive on about 15 miles per gallon. A small Volkswagen can drive 5 times as far in comparison to a hummer on that one same gallon.

-The heaviest hummer weighs over the 5 tons.

– A hummer usually costs around 63.000 dollar.

Hummer sale drops due to the financial crisis

The General Motors firm got hit really hard by the financial crisis in the U.S.A. In 2009 about 8.000 workers resigned, and from that moment the hummer production was put to an abrupt stop. The increasing gas prices made it almost impossible for General Motors to keep on going producing hummers due to the decreasing sale. People Wouldn’t spend as much money on expensive cars anymore, the hummer sale collapsed in no time. Which is quite understandable given the fact that people really watch their expenses during the financial crisis, luxuries couldn’t be afforded anymore.

Vendre son auto d’occasion polluante pour réduire l’émission de CO2

L’eau, l’air et le sol sont énormément pollués en Belgique d’après nos recherches. Ceci est très alarmant vu le réchauffement planétaire due aux émissions de CO2. Que pouvons nous faire pour aider notre terre? La solution est dans nos propre mains, agissons.

Le plus grand problème est l’émission de CO2 dans l’atmosphère, ceci affecte le climat très sérieusement. La terre se réchauffe, de nombreux animaux meurent en conséquence, les glaciers fondent. Tout ceci affecte notre vie quotidienne. Les voitures sont responsable pour un grande partie de ce problème, pour améliorer la situation il faut commencer par la.

Vendre votre voiture d’occasion polluante

Il est temps de prendre les choses en main! Il y a de nombreuses possibilités pour remplacer nos voitures polluantes. Nous pouvons acheter des hybrides, voitures électriques, les court trajets peuvent se faire en vélo ou en bus. Si tout le monde vend sa voiture polluante et achète une voiture écologique, cela ferait une immense différence pour notre planète. Il faut commencer quelque part tout de même, ce serait le premier pas vers un meilleur futur pour notre société.

Vendre son auto d’occasion en ligne

Voulez vous vendre votre auto d’occasion en ligne? Ceci peut être difficile vu le nombre d’annonces, il est très difficile de trouver une façon de se démarquer de la foule pour faire en sorte qu’un concessionnaire voiture renommé trouve votre annonce. Si vous avez besoin d’aide pour la vente de votre auto d’occasion il suffit de vous inscrire sur le site de vente de voiture Une fois inscrit sur ce site de vente d’auto d’occasion vous recevrez une offre dans les 48 heures qui suivent, et vous recevrez l’argent comptant au jour J. Vous pouvez investir la somme d’argent reçue dans l’achat d’une nouvelle voiture moins polluante.

Garages frauduleux

La majorité des gens ont confiance en leur docteurs, leur professeurs et leur garagistes car ils se disent que cette personne est diplômée donc doit avoir de l’expérience dans sa profession. Mais n’oublions pas que cette confiance peut être abusée par ces sois disant professionnels. Ils savent que leur clients les croient car ceux-ci ignorent les détails de leur professions, un peintre ne sais rien sur une voiture, juste comme un chirurgien ne sais rien sur être fermier. Cette confiance mutuelle viens du diplôme encadré au mur, mais en fin de compte ce n’est qu’un bout de papier.

Malheureusement, pas tout le monde est honnête, surtout dans la profession de garagiste nous remarquons de plus en plus souvent des abus de confiance envers les clients. Beaucoup de personnes se sentent dupées après avoir laissé leur voiture au garage pour certaines réparations. Lorsqu’ils viennent chercher leur voiture ils se retrouvent face a face avec des couts supplémentaires injustes et bien sur, tout a fait inattendus. Il arrive aussi régulièrement que le garagiste essaie de convaincre le client de faire des reparations supplémentaires qui ne sont pas du tout nécessaires, et tout ceci pour se remplir les poches.

Faire confiance aux professionnels

Il est impossible de tout savoir au bout des doigts, la vie est déjà assez compliquée comme ca. Chacun son truc, l’un sais beaucoup sur comment vendre une auto d’occasion tandis que l’autre sais tout sur la faune du Brésil: personne sais tout sur tout, c’est tout simplement impossible. C’est pour cela qu’il y a toute sorte de professionnels différents qui s’occupent du commerce, du transport, etc. Ceci facilite la vie commune entant que société, grâce a eux chacun peux vivre sa vie a sa façon sans avoir a se stresser a cause des WC qui sont bouchés, ou de la voiture qui a besoin de réparation:  nous pouvons tout simplement donner un coup de fil au plombier et le garagiste du coin. Nous leur confions la tache de résoudre nos problèmes quotidiens, mais cette confiance peut venir a un prix dans certaines circonstances.

A quoi faire attention entant que particulier

Ce serait tout de même dramatique si nous ne pourrions plus faire confiance aux docteurs, ou aux garagistes de peur de se faire arnaquer. Comment éviter ce genre de problèmes?

Voici quelques conseils sur comment vous pouvez éviter de vous faire arnaquer par un garagiste malhonnête:

– Si une offre sonne trop belle pour être vrai, c’est souvent le ca. Méfiez vous de ce genre d’offres, les garagistes les utilisent souvent pour attirer le plus de clients possible. Lorsque les clients leur expliquent leur problèmes, le garagiste essaie de suggérer des réparations supplémentaires qui ne sont pas nécessaires, espérant que la personne devant lui les accepte sans trop réfléchir.

– Les garagistes essayent aussi d’ utiliser un langage compliqué avec des termes techniques incompréhensibles pour embrouiller le client. Tout ceci pour essayer de faire croire que la voiture est en mauvais état, et vous aurez tendance a le croire car il a l’air de savoir de quoi il parle alors qu’en réalité celui-ci cherche a vous arnaquer. Si le garagiste vous raconte une histoire technique incompréhensible, soyez honnête et demandez lui d’expliquer le problème en mots plus simples pour être sur de comprendre quel est le problème, et vous pourrez décider si vous trouver cette réparation nécessaire ou non.

– Demandez combien vous devez payer par heure, et s’il y a d’autre couts supplémentaires. Demandez de voir les prix sur papier, comme cela si vous avez des doutes vous pourrez toujours recalculer et vous en aurez la preuve noir sur blanc.

– N’allez pas au garage du coin, il est conseillé de faire des recherches sur internet sur plusieurs garages différents et voyez si les clients sont satisfaits avec leur réparations. Vous pouvez aussi demander conseil a vos amis, ou a votre famille. Peut être qu’ils peuvent vous donner une bonne adresse?

Vendre son auto d’occasion au lieu de la faire réparer?

Parce que de plus en plus de personnes ont perdu confiance en leur garage, beaucoup décident de vendre leur voiture au lieu de la faire réparer. Presque tout le monde a accès a internet de nos jours. Cela rend la vente de voitures ainsi que l’achat d’auto d’occasion beaucoup plus simple. Plus personne ne colle une feuille sur la fenêtre avec le texte “auto occasion a vendre” , ca ne marche plus de nos jours. Mettre une annonce de vente de voiture en ligne est simple comme bonjour. Beaucoup de personnes préfèrent recevoir un  peu d’argent pour leur auto d’occasion en la vendant en ligne et d’en acheter une nouvelle au lieu de l’amener au garage, c’est souvent plus simple, et vous n’aurez pas l’inquiétude que le garagiste veuille vous arnaquer pour un prix exorbitant. De plus il y a un site de vente de voitures d’occasion très populaire qui s’occupe de la transaction, comme cela vous n’aurez rien a faire de compliqué, vous pouvez vous inscrire gratuitement en  3 étapes. Une fois inscrit vous serez contacté dans les 48 heures qui suivent par un concessionnaire d’auto d’occasion qui vous fera une belle offre. Ce site est

Oranje vermogensmanagement over vermogensbeheer

Iedereen zal blij zijn als de laatste horde in Amerika genomen gaat worden en we het hele “fiscal cliff” verhaal achter ons kunnen laten. Dan kunnen we ons weer gaan concentreren op wat echt belangrijk is, namelijk de economie en de winstgevendheid van bedrijven. Om bij het eerste te beginnen. Met de economie gaat het goed! Niet alleen in Amerika, maar ook in andere delen van de wereld lijkt het ergste achter de rug. We kunnen weer gaan beleggen. China maakt weer groei mee. Japanse beurzen staan op het hoogste punt sinds jaren. In Amerika neemt het aantal banen toe en is het consumenten vertrouwen op het hoogste punt sinds 4,5 jaar! De huizenprijzen lopen op en de mensen hebben meer spaargeld en vermogen dan ooit. Kortom het gaat goed! Als we kijken naar de winstgevendheid van de bedrijven, dan zien we dat ook hier we een groen sein krijgen. Velen bedrijven keren momenteel extra dividenden uit, omdat men zoveel cash op de bank heeft staan EN men niet weet hoe dividenden belast gaan worden in 2013. De overnames nemen weer toe, dus ook dat is een goed teken. meer weten over vermogensmanagement of vermogensbeheer? Kaat vermogensbeheer en Oranje Vermogensmanagement kunnen u adviseren.